Case Studies

Society of Emergency Medicine Physician Assistants (SEMPA) | Case Study | Multiview

Written by Kate Dodd | Mar 12, 2021 9:52:34 PM

The Challenge

SEMPA was looking for a way to increase the value of its membership. “At the time, SEMPA didn’t have a lot of member benefits, and we really wanted to be able offer them something that was a proven, top-notch benefit,” SEMPA Executive Director Michelle Parker explained.

The Solution

SEMPA was looking for a way to increase the value of its membership. “At the time, SEMPA didn’t have a lot of member benefits, and we really wanted to be able offer them something that was a proven, top-notch benefit,” SEMPA Executive Director Michelle Parker explained. 

“MultiView brings the relevant news and information to our members, which is extremely helpful for them in keeping up on the most up-to-date information, and helps them in their practice of emergency medicine. So, it’s a significant member benefit for them.”

- Michelle Parker, SEMPA Executive Director, SEMPA 


The e-newsletter, the SEMPA Weekend Edition, annually ranks among the top three member benefits according to member surveys and feedback. “I’ve had people that, when they signed up as a new member, one of the first things they asked is, ‘When am I going to start receiving it?’ So, we know it’s very popular,” Parker said. Open rates have remained consistent throughout the lifetime of the newsbrief, annually above 50%. 

Additionally, through industry-relevant advertising Multiview is able to place into the publication, SEMPA receives a steady stream of non-dues revenue from the newsletter without the burdens of producing and distributing it.