Stuck Like Glue: Building a Website Visitors Won't Want to Leave  

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Published on: April 27, 2023

No business owner likes having a customer walk into their store and then leaving empty-handed. Even worse, they'd hate for a customer to come into their store and have a bad experience. Yet, when it comes to a business's digital storefront, aka their website, little thought and consideration are put into the design and structure. Big mistake! HUGE! But there are some simple things you can do to ensure your website is sticky so that customers don't want to leave.

Make it engaging  

The key to building a sticky website is to keep visitors engaged. First, you need to figure out why customers are coming to your website. Are they looking for a specific solution? Do they want more information? Are they wanting to speak with an expert? Whatever the need, your website must offer the solution, otherwise they will walk out the door (figuratively speaking). Structuring your website in a way where content is split up and you have dedicated pages for products, educational resources, and contact information, will make it easy to navigate and more digestible. Usually, people know what they’re looking for, so don’t make them jump through hoops and question whether they’re on the right page or not. Also, make sure to keep branding and messaging consistent throughout the website since you never know what page they will land on. 

Next, visually enticing elements such as images, color, and interactive content will help keep visitors engaged. Movement in the form of transitions, animations, and hover effects can help captivate your audience and increase user enjoyment throughout their journey. Go a step further by using rich media to enhance your website with videos, content narration, and interactive infographics to showcase things like product variations or service options and track interest levels. By incorporating these elements, a website can create a more positive user experience that encourages visitors to stick around longer and engage more deeply with the content. In return, that engagement provides analytics for your team to assess and readjust as needed.  

User experience  

Getting visitors to stay engaged with your content and explore your site also depends on a smooth and practical user experience (UX) design. If they can't find what they need quickly, they’ll likely go somewhere else, and Google makes it too easy for your customers to land on a competitor's page. Therefore, pay close attention to bounce rate, page exits and cart abandonment as these metrics indicate whether your website is easy to navigate or not. There are some basic rules you can follow with your web design that greatly minimize the chances of frustration and abandonment: 

  • Provide clear and concise navigation options. 
  • Limit the number of clicks to find desired information to three or less. 
  • Add a search bar or chatbot to make it easier for users to find specific content and get the help they need. 
  • Ensure content is tagged properly so a search function proves useful.  
  • Have a clear path for visitors to move through the site by directing them to other pages or by providing clear calls to action that guide them to their next step. 
  • Don’t mislead visitors with clickbait headlines or content that doesn't match the page. 
  • Have a responsive website design that’s mobile friendly. 

The best way to ensure a great user experience is to put yourself in your customers' shoes. Have you walked through your customer journey? If you think there are too many steps or it's taking too long to get the desired outcome, then there's a good chance your customers feel the same way. By eliminating unnecessary roadblocks, your customers will have a more enjoyable experience and more likely to stay interested. 

B2B considerations 

A crucial element for a B2B website is ensuring that company contact information is easy to find, as this is the primary way for businesses to make a sale via their website. For this reason, landing pages are important since they also help capture leads and drive conversions. Offering downloadable content and resources, such as whitepapers, case studies, or industry reports, can help attract and engage potential customers by providing valuable solutions to business challenges while also collecting leads.  

Detailed product pages with descriptions, pictures, and videos are also crucial, especially since most B2B companies do not have an ecommerce platform. By providing detailed information about their products or services, B2B companies can showcase their value and differentiate themselves from competitors. With the right website structure, B2B businesses can build trust with potential customers and drive sales.  



Ultimately, a successful website that keeps visitors engaged helps businesses create a valuable online presence that resonates with their audience and delivers results. Keep your focus on the user, streamline navigation, and showcase your value and you’ll be on your way to creating a sticky website that boosts engagement and encourages conversions.   



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