Don't Cry Over an Empty Cookie Jar

As third-party cookies phase out and data privacy regulations expand, how should marketers respond?


May 25, 2021

By the end off 2022, it's expected that third-party cookies will cease to exist. This means 90% of web browser traffic will become un-trackable by 3rd party cookies; eliminating cookies as an effective method of targeted advertising. Many marketers are in a panic over what’s to come of digital advertising and how they’ll be able to continue to reach audiences online with relevant, meaningful messaging.

Watch this interview with Multiview’s Chief Strategy Officer, Yariv Drori, as he talks about the end of third-party cookies and answers these important questions: 

  • What are cookies and why are they important to advertisers?
  • What are the new rules and regulations around audience targeting?
  • How do marketers continue to reach their audience in a cookie-less world?
  • What are best practices companies should follow to improve first-party data collection?
  • Does the depreciation of third-party cookies mean the end of digital advertising?

See what the future holds for targeted digital advertising, what impact data privacy laws will have on advertisers, and what post-cookie marketing means for you.

Watch Now


As you prepare for post-cookie marketing, consider adding contextual advertising in your marketing plan and begin utilizing first-party data sources. Multiview has an expansive network of 1,200 association publications that reach 30 industries. Contact us today to connect with your target audience!

Finding Advertising Value in a 


Cookie-Less World

If you're a marketer who is questioning what's to come of targeted digital advertising, this ebook offers answers and practical steps you can take now to ensure the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns in a cookie-less world.



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