The Importance of Client Testimonials in B2B Marketing


May 21, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to try out a new product, you’ve probably taken some time to read the online customer reviews. More often than not, the customer reviews either led you to want to buy the product, or find a different company to order from. We live in a digital age where every bit of information is, quite literally, at the tips of our fingers. And because of this, client testimonials found online can make or break the credibility of a company, and can either drive traffic to a company’s site or lead clients away.

Client testimonials are an authentic customer review used to showcase the quality and success of a product, and emphasizes the reliability of the company. Testimonials highlight the credibility of the company, and instill trust in the company’s professionalism and level of expertise of the industry. Client testimonials bring a variety of benefits to every company, because they increase conversion rates, drive traffic to the site and products, and promote the value of the company.

Where to find testimonials

Luckily, testimonials aren’t too hard to find. You can request testimonials from clients or you can grab them as they’re posted online. Client testimonials hold more value than product descriptions and content on company’s websites, because they come directly from loyal customers who continue to purchase the product. People love to provide their own opinions and feedback, so the best way to receive testimonials is to simply encourage your clients to send them in.

An example of gathering testimonials would be asking customers to participate in case studies. Case studies show potential customers exactly how current consumers perceive your products and service. You can launch an email campaign requesting testimonials and target loyal, reliable customers for strong, positive reviews. Instead of written description, company’s can also create customer testimonial videos to spread the word about their products, and then feature them on the company’s site.

Another easy way to find testimonials is on social media. Companies can share social media posts praising your company and products and then repost on the company’s social media accounts or showcase them on the company’s site. Testimonials don’t necessarily have to come from customers every time; you can reach out to several different business connections and showcase your positive interactions with them.

How to write testimonials

A good testimonial is short and concise; potential clients browsing the internet won’t stop to read full paragraphs. They want fast information, and will skim through posts only to notice key points in the reviews. The most impactful statement should appear at the beginning of the testimonial, so browsers will gain valuable information at first glance. Testimonials should emphasize the most compelling words in a statement and should only promote authentic customer statements. The more visibility and credibility you’re able to maintain, the stronger your business will become.

How to use testimonials

If your social media presence is active, you should retweet positive tweets and repost on social media; for example, you can share a review on Facebook, or post a review on your Instagram story. You can also share client videos on social media: Instagram is the perfect platform to create fast and easy videos for promoting your product and explaining the value in them. Another easy way to promote testimonials is to post them on the company’s website. Place the testimonials on your most popular pages, then clients are more likely to notice them. You should also place testimonials right next to the product it promotes.

Client testimonials are essential to the credibility of your products and help promote the reliability of your company. They help provide potential customers with a positive snapshot of your products and customer service. Testimonials are proven to increase conversion rates, drive client traffic to the site, and help convince clients to continually purchase your products.

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