Why Can't We Be Friends? How to Align Sales and Marketing Through ABM

Why Can't We Be Friends? How to Align Sales & Marketing Through ABM

January 25, 2024

In the movie Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear and Woody start off as adversaries but later discover that together, they're unstoppable. It's a similar story with sales and marketing teams. Many times, the two feel at odds with one another, not understanding the unique strengths and abilities each one contributes. However, when they realize they share the common goal of driving revenue and start working together, they become a powerful pair. This is why ABM is such a powerful strategy. It not only produces high returns but builds the bridge between marketing and sales for better alignment. 

The need for sales and marketing alignment 

The misalignment between sales and marketing teams can have a substantial financial impact, with businesses estimated to lose over $1 trillion per year due to these inefficiencies. This stems from each department having its own set of goals and often operating independently, leading to wasted resources, disjointed strategies, and a decline in sales. For instance, when there's a lack of alignment, the perception of achievable goals is reduced, causing demotivation across the sales funnel and directly impacting the bottom line through decreased productivity and lower sales. Furthermore, this miscommunication can result in up to 60-70% of B2B content being unused, obstructing deal closures and overall customer journeys. Given these challenges, fostering collaboration between these teams is crucial. Luckily, ABM serves as an effective solution to enhance this much-needed alignment. 

How ABM enhances collaboration and cohesion 

Because account-based marketing is much more narrow-focused than traditional marketing, sales and marketing teams are forced to work together. From identifying key accounts to developing the right message, the two must rely on one another's expertise to ensure campaign success. Sales has a strong understanding of the needs and pain points of customers, while Marketing knows how to best engage with these audiences and what channels to reach them. Through communication and collaboration, teams can get on the same page and deliver a unified message throughout the buying journey, resulting in a cohesive customer experience. 

Creating consistency is key to establishing trust and building a strong relationship with your customers. Every interaction, whether it’s an email, a social media post, or a sales call, should echo the same core values and brand promise. This harmony ensures that no matter where a customer interacts with your brand, they receive the same high-quality, personalized experience that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. 

Moreover, a cohesive customer journey does more than just streamline the buying process. It tells your brand's story in a way that is meaningful and engaging to your customers. Clients don't just see a product or service; they need to see a solution to their problems, a partner they can trust, and a brand they can believe in. This unity in messaging, coupled with a tailored customer journey, ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and a strengthened brand reputation. 

Strategies for successful ABM

It's not enough to simply say that the sales and marketing teams will work together; you need to define how this collaboration will take place by setting parameters and establishing common goals. Here are some effective strategies that can guide both teams toward successful ABM implementation: 

  • Agree on ideal customer profile: Having a well-defined customer profile will allow both sales and marketing teams to tailor their efforts towards the most promising leads. 
  • Determine mutual KPIs: Determining mutual KPIs ensures that both teams are working towards the same goals and can accurately measure the success of their combined efforts. 
  • Meet regularly: Regularly sharing updates and insights can help both teams understand how their efforts are contributing to the overall goals. 
  • Share data: Sales should provide feedback to ensure that the marketing content will resonate with target accounts based on client data and behavior, while marketing determines a plan of action based on engagement levels and historical data.  

With these strategies in place, your sales and marketing teams can become a powerhouse duo, working together seamlessly and aligning efforts for maximum impact. It’s time to embrace the power of collaboration and synergy that effective ABM can offer. 



When it comes to sales and marketing alignment, it’s time to change the tune fromWhy Can’t We Be Friends?to You’ve Got a Friend in Me.” Just like Buzz and Woody learned that teamwork leads to greater success, sales and marketing need to embrace collaboration. And through the implementation of account-based marketing, companies will not only achieve greater unity, but create organizational efficiency, deliver consistent messaging, and ultimately business growth. 


Get an A+ in ABMEbook-Thumbnail-243x390

Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your ABM strategy, this eBook is your answer key to target, engage, and convert ideal accounts. 






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