Is Your Association Working at Maximum Efficiency?

March 23, 2023
True or false: Working on a project all day means you’ve had a productive day.
False. Author Harvey Mackay states “don’t equate activity with efficiency,” so, just because you have a full schedule doesn’t mean that you’ve been productive.
As a leader within an association, it may be time to look around and determine how your teams are doing with work productivity and time management, as an inefficient organization can cost time and money that could be better spent elsewhere.
Spending long hours working, but not making the best of the time, leads to work burnout and low job satisfaction. And this doesn’t even include the missed deadlines, frustrations, and your employees always looking to see if it’s 5 o’clock. Nobody wants this for any organization, and there’s a lot that can be done to help cope with these factors. So, let's explore a few tips on how you can help your team(s) become more efficient within the workplace.
Helping your team(s) find the ideal balance between efficiency and workload is the first step, as making sure your association is running at maximum efficiency is essential for ensuring its long-term success. Streamlining processes, delegating tasks among staff members, and embracing technology are just a few ways that you can optimize the efficiency of your organization. It won’t happen overnight, but with practice – which creates habit – your team(s) can become unstoppable.
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