The 2024 Association Exec: What to Know


In the ever-evolving landscape of association management, the role of the association executive takes center stage as they must navigate a dynamic terrain of challenges. But with these challenges, also comes opportunities. This year, we will see associations at the crossroads of innovation and adaptability, seeking new avenues to enhance member engagement and organizational efficiency.

While many believe that this may require the accelerated use of cutting-edge technology, there are also other opportunities which association executives must consider. This delicate balance between technological advancement, human connection, and identifying non-dues revenue sources has never been more important. Here are five trends for association executives in 2024.

1. Educational Revenue

The pandemic taught people about the ease of accessing virtual content. Virtual platforms (e.g., Zoom, Teams, Google Workspace) became an affordable replacement option to traditional LMS’, subsequently leading to more competition. There are now more options for members to find industry-specific education outside of your organization. The 2024 association executive must successfully navigate the relevance and quality of association-branded content vs. content generated by entities outside the organization.

2. Personalization and Member-Centric Approaches

Companies like Google, Amazon, and Netflix have grown member expectations with technology built around a tailored, unique, and customer-centric experience. Member expectations are evolving, and associations must focus on providing personalized experiences. This involves tailoring content, services, and interactions based on individual member preferences, interests, and needs. Advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence may be employed to gather insights into member behavior and deliver more personalized offerings.

3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Associations are likely to place increased emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Members are seeking organizations that actively promote these values. Associations may implement policies and programs that foster diversity in leadership, address systemic biases, and create an inclusive environment for all members.

4. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed and will continue to change the world. All organizations now have access to some level of AI whether it be free (e.g., ChatGPT) or expensive software applications and must learn to leverage it to enhance operational efficiencies. This will also require organizational governance built around the responsible use of AI.

5. Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations

Associations may explore strategic partnerships with other organizations, both within and outside their industries. Collaborative efforts can lead to shared resources, increased reach, and the ability to address complex challenges collectively. Partnerships could extend to joint events, co-authored publications, or shared advocacy initiatives.



The current landscape of the association industry reflects a dynamic and evolving ecosystem. As association executives navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing world, organizations must play a pivotal role in fostering collaboration, driving innovation, and delivering on their value proposition. The resilience demonstrated by these organizations during unprecedented times underscores their adaptability and commitment to serving diverse constituencies.

Looking ahead, the 2024 association executive must identify new sources of non-dues revenue, personalize the member experience, commit to a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, incorporate the responsible use of technology, and cultivate strategic partnerships. In doing so, they will stay true to their mission of empowering communities and will be well-positioned to navigate the future with purpose and relevance.

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