Case Studies

The Challenge

DSS was playing catchup. “Our competitors had at least a 20-year head start on us,” said Dave Preis, Vice President of Sales and...

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The Challenge

Casella wanted to increase brand awareness among key target markets, but was having difficulty driving its niche audience in the US and...

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The Challenge

As a relatively new name in a saturated market, AQuity needed brand equity. Some leaders within the company wanted to focus on...

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The Challenge

IDERA was struggling to produce useful educational content. “We have a lot of technical content but it’s often difficult to turn that...

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The Challenge

As a company that serves multiple industries, including electronics, automotive, fiberoptic, medical and emerging technologies,...

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The Challenge

Lincoln Director of Marketing Doug Sharp admits they are “a very small fish in a very large sea.” On top of that, the company went...

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The Challenge

MasterTag wanted to increase leads and prospects by generating greater brand awareness in the marketplace and by boosting its website...

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The Challenge

The clinical pharmacology community is small, which limits the number of individuals that will attend ACCP’s live or on-demand events....

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The Challenge

A major challenge for Epic-Premier was reaching its target market, primarily because it represents such a small portion of the...

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